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Prediction of the functional significance of missense variants of CADASIL syndrome

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To assess the functional significance of missense variants, we have developed a specific predictor for NOTCH3 protein. Predict your variant or check our examples to see the result


Prediction of the functional significance of missense variants affecting NOTCH3 protein involved in CADASIL syndrome, the most common form of hereditary stroke disorder

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How to interpret a prediction?

Label Plot

Prediction Label

The variants are classified as pathogenic or neutral by a supervised machine learning algorithm

The label depends in the numeric score. Variants above 0.5 are pathogenic while variants low 0.5 are neutral

Score Plot

Prediction Score

Beyond the label, a variant is characterized with a numerical score of its pathogenicity. We provide you with this score, so you can have a more precise sense of the consequence of the variant

This score has a continuous range between 0 to 1, being 0 a neutral and 1 a pathogenic variant. The threshold between pathogenic and neutral variant is at 0.5

Reliability Plot

Prediction Reliability

Such as any other measurement, a predictions has an associated error. This metric measures the accuracy of the prediction

The reliability has a continuous range between 0 to 1, being 1 a trueful prediction

Performance Plot

Predictor Performance

We have evaluated our predictors with rigorous quality controls and compared to the state of the art predictors such as PolyPhen2, PON-P2, SIFT or CADD

To evaluate our predictor, we perform a leave-one-out cross-validation. From it, we derived several performance metrics such as sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, AUC and MCC

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Supporting Institutions

Ministerio de Economía y Empresa