Welcome to ATMision

ATM Missense in silico interpretation online

Analyse your variant

Know our tools

In ATMision we provide two options for the interpretation of missense variants. In Variant representation, you can visually compare one or more variants of unknown nature with a population of pathogenic and benign variants, using an easy-to-use representation. In Variant prediction, you can access the results of several pathogenicity predictors for the target variant(s). For both options, we also provide links to external resources useful for the variant interpretation.

Represent your variant(s) of interest relative to populations of pathogenic and benign variants.

Access the results of different in silico predictors for your variant(s) of interest.

Disclaimer This resource is uniquely intended for research purposes. The authors are not responsible for neither its use nor misuse. The data provided are not intended as advice of any kind. The authors have worked with care in the development of this server, but assume no liability or responsibility for any error, weakness, incompleteness or temporariness of the resource and of the data provided.

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Supporting Institutions

Ministerio de Economía y Empresa